For the Coach Curious

A squirrel with very frazzled hair looks frazzled, much like I did before I hired a coach.

Frazzled squirrel is frazzled, much like I was before I hired my first coach.

Many years ago, I was struggling at work. Not at my job, I was doing a fine job, probably more than fine because #perfectionism is pervasive. 

I was struggling with other things. How I was showing up at work - too emotional? Too intense? Too nice? How I was balancing/surviving parenting a small child with a busy spouse and a job with a lot of evenings, weekends, and travel. I was managing a big, system-wide program for the first time - was I doing OK? Did I like it? Did I even know what the hell I was doing? Did people like me?

Let’s all pause for a deep breath because I stressed myself out writing that. 

Then, I was generously awarded professional development dollars to hire a coach. And I am not exaggerating when I tell you she, and subsequent coaches, changed my life. 

My coach began with an exercise to determine my two core values (she was leading me through Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead curriculum, which I’m a big fan of). It was much harder than I expected, but it was game changing when I got there. Once I could name my core values, my coach helped me see how I view the world through the lens of those values, and how they guide all of my good intentions and work as well as my negative reactions (when my values are compromised is when I get the most upset). Who knew? I sure didn’t before coaching.

We also worked on exploring my leadership style, and addressing challenges I was having managing both up and down. She was a voice of reason and of sanity. She walked me through my feelings and what I was doing to get in my own way, and I became more confident and aware for the first time that I couldn’t (shouldn’t) fix everything for everyone, be perfect all the time, and expect everyone to like me. 

I still struggle with those things (coaches aren’t magicians). But she started me on an incredibly important path to understanding myself that I hadn’t ever taken the time to do on my own (and probably wouldn’t if I hadn’t had a coach). 

This experience was so powerful that I became a coach myself, because I want to be able to impact others the way my coaches have impacted me. I’ve been honored to help clients through some of the same things I was going through back then (the values exercise is one of my favorites). I’ve helped folx navigate big new leadership roles, burnout, emerging from freeze mode, thinking about what’s next for them, and so much more. 

If you’re “coach curious,” I’d love to chat. Drop me a line (does anyone actually drop a person a line anymore?). I look forward to helping you think about whether coaching is right for you, and whether I’m the right coach for you.

You don’t have to live life as frazzled squirrel friend.

Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash


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